Heatmap Animation Example

This example shows you how to animate your heatmap with time series data. The example assumes that each dataframe is equally spaced from the frame before. The data format for the AnimationPlayer is an array of heatmap data objects.
ie: [{min, max, data}, {min, max, data}, ...]
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// creating a class to wrap the heatmap cycling logic
function AnimationPlayer(options) {
  this.heatmap = options.heatmap;
  this.data = options.data;
  this.interval = null;
  this.animationSpeed = options.animationSpeed || 300;
  this.wrapperEl = options.wrapperEl;
  this.isPlaying = false;
// define the prototype functions
AnimationPlayer.prototype = {
  init: function() {
    var dataLen = this.data.length;
    this.wrapperEl.innerHTML = '';
    var playButton = this.playButton = document.createElement('button');
    playButton.onclick = function() {
      if (this.isPlaying) {
      } else {
      this.isPlaying = !this.isPlaying;
    playButton.innerText = 'play';


    var events = document.createElement('div');
    events.className = 'heatmap-timeline';
    events.innerHTML = '
'; for (var i = 0; i < dataLen; i++) { var xOffset = 100/(dataLen - 1) * i; var ev = document.createElement('div'); ev.className = 'time-point'; ev.style.left = xOffset+'%'; ev.onclick = (function(i) { return function() { this.isPlaying = false; this.stop(); this.setFrame(i); }.bind(this); }.bind(this))(i); events.appendChild(ev); } this.wrapperEl.appendChild(events); this.setFrame(0); }, play: function() { var dataLen = this.data.length; this.playButton.innerText = 'pause'; this.interval = setInterval(function() { this.setFrame(++this.currentFrame%dataLen); }.bind(this), this.animationSpeed) }, stop: function() { clearInterval(this.interval); this.playButton.innerText = 'play'; }, setFrame: function(frame) { this.currentFrame = frame; var snapshot = this.data[frame]; this.heatmap.setData(snapshot); var timePoints = $('.heatmap-timeline .time-point'); for (var i = 0; i < timePoints.length; i++) { timePoints[i].classList.remove('active'); } timePoints[frame].classList.add('active'); }, setAnimationData: function(data) { this.isPlaying = false; this.stop(); this.data = data; this.init(); }, setAnimationSpeed: function(speed) { this.isPlaying = false; this.stop(); this.animationSpeed = speed; } }; var heatmapInstance = h337.create({ container: document.querySelector('.heatmap') }); // animationData contains an array of heatmap data objects var animationData = []; // generate some heatmap data objects for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) { animationData.push(generateRandomData(300)); } var player = new AnimationPlayer({ heatmap: heatmapInstance, wrapperEl: document.querySelector('.timeline-wrapper'), data: animationData, animationSpeed: 100 });